
Trommel Screen Vs. Shaker Deck

Trommel Screen Vs. Shaker Deck

In-depth research on gold recovery in the Yukon conducted in 1990 by Randy Clarkson concluded that efficient gold recovery on sluice runs requires feed classification, typically at an aperture size of 0.5” or 0.75”. Excluding the oversize from the sluice runs reduces the feed top size and volume which results in improved conditions for fine gold recovery. The recovery of large nuggets – or the concern of rejecting them with the oversize – is sometimes discussed in this regard. Feed classification machines include static or vibrating finger screens, de-rockers, trommel screens and vibrating screen decks (“shaker decks”). This whitepaper discusses the pros and cons of trommel and vibrating screen decks and explains typical applications. The common perception is that screen decks are high capacity but maintenance intensive, whereas trommels are simple, durable and preferred in clay rich ground conditions. Let’s have a closer look.


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