GoldRoom 1000

GoldRoom 1000
the goldroom 1000 is a fully integrated, turn-key system for placer/alluvial operations to process their concentrates to a sell-able or smelt-able product.

Ideal for: Medium scale gold operations producing large amounts of concentrate from washplants containing both coarse and fine gold.

Unique design allows for: Three dedicated concentrating stages, including Macon’s T150 cleanup plant for efficient volume reduction, followed by sizing and de-magnetizing and then tabling to a sellable product.

How it differs: A simple, but complete processing solution, pre-assembled in a wired 20′ open-sided shipping container. Other than our Macomatic 2000 gold room, this system requires manual concentrate handling between three key processing steps.

Processing capacity: Up to 1 ton (2000 lbs) of concentrate in 2-3 hours.

Key features:

  • Compact design, fully pre-assembled in 20′ HC container format
  • Securely lockable
  • Coarse and fine gold processed separate for maximum efficiency
  • No chemicals
  • 5 kW power consumption (Can be operated by Generator or Grit Power)
  • 50 GPM water consumption (Typically supplied by 2″ Honda Pump)


Processing Capacity Metric Tons per hour 0.5 (up to 2000 lbs per 2-3 hours)
Water Requirement Liters per minute 190
Gallons per minute 50
Power Requirement kW 5
Voltage 120 or 240
Weight Kg 5,000
Dimensions M (LxWxH) 6.0 x 2.4 x 4.0m
Coarse Gold Recovery Type Riffled Sluice Run
Fine Gold Recovery Type Knudsen Bowl + Shaking Table